Page 14 - Chatham Anglers 2017 Yearbook
P. 14


        This past winter saw the passing of Amos Mumford, former member of the CAA Board of Directors
        and longtime contributor to our annual souvenir program.  Amos had a 40-year career as art
        director for various fi rms in New York City and his home state of New Jersey.  Upon his retirement to
        Chatham in the early 1990s with wife Mary, this passionate baseball fan came forward to volunteer
        with the Chatham A’s.  Prior to his involvement, our souvenir program was not much more than a
        20-page pamphlet with a couple of stories and a short list of advertisers.  Thanks to the graphic art
        talent of Amos and later combined with signifi cant fi nancial support from Chatham Bars Inn, the
        Chatham souvenir book evolved into a signifi cant component of each summer’s baseball season.
        Amos was a great fan of the San Francisco Giants and his loyalty to this team began with his youth
        in the New York City area and the New York Giants.  The Giants have had a long baseball history but had a long drought between
        championship seasons.  Amos’ patience and loyalty paid off  with their World Series win in 2010, their fi rst since 1954.   A man of many
        talents, Amos was also a landscape artist who captured Chatham’s beauty in many of his works.  His artistic talents, good humor, and
        love of baseball will be missed by all.
        The Chatham Anglers Family send their condolences to the Brown Family on the loss during the
        spring of their wife and mother Annette.
        Annette, her husband Peter and children Emily and Andrew have been a host family for the Anglers
        for several years and fans for even longer. They were special fans for those players fortunate enough
        to live with them. If a player spent a summer season with the Browns he became an immediate
        member of their family.
        Annette always had a warm smile and positive statement to all who knew her. Her kindness and
        generosity defi ned her. In the words of one of her former players, “she was a really special lady.”
        Even as Annette fought valiant eff ort over the last two years she remained positive for all who had
        the pleasure of knowing her. Godspeed Annette, your Chatham family will miss you.

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                                                                                 
                                                                                 
                                                                                 
                                                82 JERICHO LANE / PO BOX 521     
                                                    WEST CHATHAM, MA             
                                                       (508) 945-0736            

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