Page 70 - Chatham Anglers 2017 Yearbook
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        400 East   ........................................................ 1  Chatham Squire   ................................. Inside Back Cover  Milley Trucking   ................................. 5
        Advanced Embrodery   .................................... 15  Chatham Sub Shop   ....................................... 36  Mom & Pops Burgers   ........................ 31
        Austins   .......................................................... 45  Chatham Village Market   ............................... 16  New England Pizza   ........................... 52
        Beachcomber   ................................................ 36  Chatham Wayside Inn   ................................... 65  New Era   ............................................ 60
        Benjamin Nickerson   ...................................... 10  Complete Payroll Solutions   ........................... 6  Old Cape Sotheby’s   ........................... 51
        Brennan Irrigation Systems   ........................... 10  Corner Store   .................................................. 15  Oyster River Boatyard   ....................... 12
        Canterbury Leather   ....................................... 15  Ducks in the Window   .................................... 54  Pate’s Restaurant   .............................. 9
        Cape Cod Chronicle   ....................................... 47  Eldredge & Lumpkin   ..................................... 7  Pine Acres Realty   .............................. 41
        Captain’s House Inn   ....................................... 24  Emack & Bolio   .............................................. 46  Polhemus Savery DaSilva Architects ... 6
        Chatham Bars Inn   .............................. Back Cover  Gustare   ......................................................... 42  Pretty Picky Properties   ..................... 47
        Chatham Breeze   ............................................ 48  Hamilton Sporborg   ...................................... 7  Red Nun   ................................. Inside Front Cover
        Chatham Candy Manor   ................................. 54  Harwich Paint & Decorating   .......................... 13  Riley & Norcross   ............................... 10
        Chatham Clothing Bar   ................................... 53  Impeccable Clean   ......................................... 61  Sanders, Walsh & Eaton   .................... 47
        Chatham Cookware Cafe   ............................... 24  Jaeger Sports   ................................................ 50  Short & Sweet   .................................. 61
        Chatham Hardware   ....................................... 62  Jim Terrio   ...................................................... 42  T.W. Nickerson   .................................. 5
        Chatham Health & Swim Club   ....................... 68  John C. Ricotta   ............................................. 10  The Spa at Chatham Bars Inn   ............ 44
        Chatham Laundromat   ................................... 9  Kangas Myofascial Massage   ......................... 42  Talkative Pig   ..................................... 11
        Chatham Orpeheum   ..................................... 43  Kinlin Grover   ................................................ 37  The Mayflower Shop   ......................... 46
        Chatham Penny Candy   .................................. 50  Kream ‘n Kone   .............................................. 8  The Trading Company   ....................... 9
        Chatham Properties-Diane Donahue   ............ 65  Mahi Gold   .................................................... 25  Wild Goose Tavern   ............................ 24
        Chatham Properties-Doug Grattan   ............... 46  Marconi-RCA Wireless Museum   .................... 21  Window Treatments   ......................... 7
                                                                                    Yankee Ingenuity   .............................. 36

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