Page 8 - CAA_2024-FullBook
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MERCHANDISE appreciate the generous support we receive from many other
Our merchandise store at the rear of the Veterans Field press box local businesses who step up to advertise in this Souvenir Book
offers a full line of Anglers merchandise (e.g. hats, long/short and/or support us with funding in other ways (e.g. post-game
sleeved shirts, jackets, hoodies/sweatshirts, jerseys and other meals, clinic, stat sheet & game day sponsorships). Please
great stuff!). Ed Baird has again done a superb job of selecting support our advertisers with your spending dollars.
our Angler merchandise line and he is again assisted in the store HOUSING
by Joan Streeter, Jack Kavey and a friendly staff. Buy early and
buy often to ensure you have enough Angler gear to display Securing 35+ host family beds for our players, coaches, and
your loyal Angler support all year. For year-round shopping broadcasters is always a difficult challenge, a challenge our
(e.g. holidays & birthdays), much of the Angler merchandise line long-tenured Housing Coordinator Sue Thomas has again
can be purchased either online at www. successfully handled this year. Sue deals with many variables
or at several downtown Chatham stores including Chatham (e.g. allergies, car needs, player/host family arrival dates,
Hardware, The Chatham Clothing Bar, and the Chatham T Kids changing rosters) to finalize the best player/host family matches
Store. (we had over 60 players play for the Anglers last summer) and
she handles the commotion superbly. We also extend a hearty
CONCESSION STAND thank you to our host families for opening their homes to our
Our fantastic ‘Snack Shack’ concession stand is a must stop players (hosts listed on page 15). Hosting is an enjoyable,
during your Anglers game experience. Kathy Olsen is again rewarding experience and most of our host families do so for
coordinating our concession operations, ably assisted by her many years, often establishing lasting relationships with players
son Sean (the third Olsen child to lead the concession stand they host. To become an Anglers host family, please contact
contingent). At the Snack Shack you will be greeted and served Sue Thomas at 774-836-0112 or
by smiling faces, many who are returnees from prior years. The
wonderful aroma emanating from the ‘Snack Shack’ makes it POST-GAME MEAL PROGRAM
hard to resist. The ‘Snack Shack’ serves all the standard fare (e.g. We are responsible for feeding our ~50 players, coaches,
hot dogs, chili dogs, grilled burgers, pizza, popcorn, peanuts, trainers, bat boys, interns, and others after every game (40
candy bars, Angler logo cookies, water/soft drinks/powerade) games plus playoffs). Our post-game meal coordinator Laura
and the proceeds all benefit our Chatham Athletic Association! Caskey, with help from her husband Stan, along with Sue
Thomas and our intern and volunteer support, handles this
MEMBERSHIP difficult task superbly. Laura and her crew set up the post-
game meal schedule, physically feed the team, and solicit local
Funding received from our annual membership drive is businesses & individuals to pay for or provide these meals. To
essential to ensure we provide fans a wonderful Veterans Field sponsor a post-game meal stop by our information table near
game day experience. We thank & recognize everyone who has our press box, or contact Laura Caskey at laura.caskey@att.
generously donated on pages 34-36 of this Souvenir Book. If net or at 512-731-8171. Your sponsorship will be recognized
you have yet to become a 2024 member, a membership card over our public address system and will be greatly appreciated
can be found on page 47 of this souvenir book, or at the by our players, coaches and support staff. Post-game meals
information table behind our press box. You can also become donors are listed on page 16.
a member by donating online at our
website. Your generous support is very much needed and is PASS THE HAT, 50/50 RAFFLE, AND INFORMATION
greatly appreciated by our players, coaches, volunteers, and our TABLE COORDINATOR
entire organization.
Marc Finklestein is in his second year of superbly handling
BUSINESS SUPPORT these very important roles. He is ably assisted by Jim Nowak,
Kim Terrio is in her second year as our business sponsorship Steve Wolfberg and several other volunteers, interns and Angler
players. Staffing our information table and passing through
and advertising coordinator and she has done a great job in the crowd urging your participation in our 50/50 raffle and
improving our sponsorship/advertising donations through “pass the hat” collection activities are very important revenue
working with Chatham’s business community to garner their generators, helping us to defray our expenses (e.g. post-game
support. We greatly appreciate the major financial support meals, uniforms, equipment, player travel, field maintenance,
we receive annually from our major sponsors Chatham Bars etc.) so your generous participation is greatly appreciated. Our
Inn, Touchstone Closing & Escrow, Mahi Gold, the Red Nun, raffle also gives fans a chance to win many prizes, including the
Cape Cod Five, the Chatham Rotary, The Chatham Clothing grand prize of ½ the raffle cash, and we thank our local sponsors
Bar, Short ‘n Sweet Ice Cream, and Chatham Hardware. We also
for donating many of the non-cash raffle prizes.